Interview With Sabarna Roy The Author Of Five Amazing Books

Sabarna Roy: The Author of 5 Best-Sellers

No one’s life is a perfect bed of roses. Every day is a testing day for a person to live and lead life until they taste success. During this journey, many obstacles come in the way and the person has to find various means to surpass those hardships and accomplish his goals. When life is all depicted in a series of events happening that range from happiness, sadness, love, trust, dishonor, threat, fear, hatred, success, failure and many more emotions and feelings in the form of words, it’s a blissful boon. Such a boon is given to his readers by one of the dynamic authors of India, Mr. Sabarna Roy.  To be more specific, his works are a perfect mirror representation of modern-day individual’s life in a society that is driven by experiences. The author has presented all the above said human-related things in his five books.

Getting into details, Pentacles book by Sabarna Roy, as the title suggests, is a perfect amalgamation of one long story and four poems each of which talks about a person’s life.

In this book, the long story named ‘ New Life ‘ is written very eloquently about the obstacles faced by a woman who goes against the societal format of married life which in turn gives her son some incorrigible life situations and irreparable wounds. The story also points out the pathetic customs and taboos that prevail in Indian society which further kills one’s confidence to face the world. In a similar fashion, the four poems in the book are an aggregated example of a free writing style with lots of elements of literary conduct and rich vocabulary. Each poem is a classic of its own that illustrates life in a poetic shell.

His other book, ‘ Frosted Glass ‘ is a beautiful collection of 14 stories and 21 poems each of which stands apart from both in the linguistic aspect and emotional quotient. Author Sabarna Roy succeeded in showcasing the pros and cons of human relationships which are more or less considered against the typical lifestyles. Set up in the backdrop of the city of joy, Calcutta, the poems and the stories show the readers the darker shades of life from the eye of the protagonist Rahul, who is the modern man in Urban life with a traditional mindset. The book invariably talks about the sexual desires from the protagonist’s view and thus can be considered for a particular set of readers. The matured content appeals to the off-beat audience instantly.

Similarly, the book ‘ Winter Poems ‘ is a collection of poems that talk about the five natural seasons and the aspects of life from birth to death that is attributed to the feelings sensed in these seasons. Humane strategies in leading life are often compared with seasons and the author has excelled in depicting the same. Continuing with his remarkably appearing different style of writing, the book named ‘ Abyss ‘ , written in a play form that revolves around murder, mystery and human virtues of truth keeps the reader on his toes with every scene turning.

Last but not least, a fantastic collection of musings by the author in the book named ‘ Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012–2018 ‘ is every reader’s delightful dream. With simple language, surreal narration and extensively abstract way of writing, this book stands apart in his all works.


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