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Sabarna Roy’s seventh literary work “Fractured Mosaic” launching this February

Author Sabarna Roy’s seventh creation will soon hit the floors in February 2021 titled “Fractured Mosaic”. Roy is all set to launch the book in the market. Fractured Mosaic is a sequel to Sabarna Roy’s fifth literary work, titled: Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018. The author has already received a great amount of appreciation for all his six books and his seventh book is all set to create another benchmark.

It is yet another kaleidoscope from Sabarna Roy’s treasure that will take the readers on a beautiful ride. Most of the work published in this book has been earlier published in reputed media houses as musings of an author; in this book, they have been brought together for the benefit of all the readers. After the smashing hit of his earlier six masterpieces since 2010, Sabarna has been constantly writing in the format of a journal to imitate how the mind works in real life.

Roy is an author of critically acclaimed bestselling literary fiction of six published books. They are Pentacles; Frosted Glass; Abyss; Winter Poems; Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018, and Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020. 

The last literary release being “Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020” which is a bestseller and the work of the author has been appreciated internationally. The book comprises a novella and a poem cycle. The novella, in the background, is a sweetly evolving dialogue between a step-father and a step-daughter, and in the foreground, it is a dissection of ideas pivoted around the dualism of human life by discussing literary characters like Lolita, Humbert Humbert, Anna Karenina, and Nikhilesh; thought-leaders like Hegel, Marx, and Heisenberg; political phenomena like the Bolshevik Revolution; schizophrenia, love as an idea, and the secret love story of T S Eliot; and ecological phenomena like marine conservation, and all of this is done uniquely, almost as if we are engaged in a conversation with the author, to make us realize the plurality of life and accepting it to find peace and harmony in life.

The author has received several awards and honors for his work. He has been awarded the Literoma Laureate Award in 2019, Literoma Star Achiever Award 2020, Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018 won the SALISMANIA.com Best Book of the Year Award 2019, the A-List Award for excellence in fiction by the NewsX Media House, Certificate for The Real Super Heroes for spreading a spirit of positivity and hope during the COVID-19 Pandemic from Forever Star India Award 2020, and the Certificate for Participation in the Indo Russian Friendship Celebration 2020, and the Literoma Golden Star Award 2020: Lifetime Achievement.

Roy is a trained Civil Engineer and passed out with a First Class Honours Civil Engineering Degree from Jadavpur University in 1988. He is presently working as Senior Vice President and is in the 25th year of his employment with Electrosteel Group. Sabarna Roy is engaged in giving leadership to Business Development, Applications Technology, and certain key Strategies in the Electrosteel Group. He has a technical book, titled: Articles on Ductile Iron Pipelines and Framework Agreement Contracting Methodology published by Scholars’ Press in the European Union with two of his Co-authors, which have been translated into 8 major European languages.

Source: Zee Business

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