If I Did Not Write I Would Die Sabarna Roy

“If I did not write, I would die” – Sabarna Roy


Sabarna Roy was born in Calcutta on December 15, 1967. He is presently working as a Senior Vice President of Business Development at Electrosteel Castings Limited.

He took to creative writing in the year 2007. Thereafter, between 2010 and 2019 he has published five literary books: Pentacles, Frosted Glass, Abyss, Winter Poems, and Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018 Time Frozen in Myriad Thoughts. The five books were published by Leadstart Publishing. His books cover all genres: prose, poetry, and plays.

Sabarna Roy has also published a technical book: Articles on Ductile Iron Pipelines and Framework Agreement Contracting Methodology, with his co-authors Rajat Chowdhury and Basanta Bera. This book has been published by Scholar’s Press and is a collection of nine articles published in peer-reviewed national and international journals.


Q. When did you first realize you wanted to write your book Pentacles?

June 2007. When it occurred to me if I did not write, I would die.

Q. Your book Frosted Glass is set in Calcutta. Tell us why Calcutta (Kolkata) is so important to you?

Calcutta [Kolkata] in more ways than one has formed my persona and my sensibilities although in my growing up years between 1974 and 1982 I have been away from Calcutta.

Q. What was your experience of writing a full-length play Abyss? Will you write a full-length play again in the future?

Abyss gave me the unique experience of writing realistic conversations to build up the crescendo of suspense in the play. Yes, I plan to write a full-length play in 2022. Although, Conversations between Dr. X and Mr. Y in Random Subterranean Mosaic is no less than a play.

Q. What inspired you to write Winter Poems?

I love writing poems in the mild winters of Kolkata, generally. A way of time passing. A way of collecting my thoughts.

Q. What does your family think of your book Random Subterranean Mosaic 2012 – 2018?

My wife is in love with the book. She likes the format – the diary format; the anecdotal format of the book. Also because it is an easy read. The most complex things have been expressed very lucidly.

Q. Tell us something about your upcoming book.

The book that is getting published in June 2020 is titled: Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020/Letters, Ideas, Conversations & Poems. It consists of a Novella titled: Duality and a Poem Cycle titled: Winter Poems 2020.

Q. What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

I am a natural writer. When my thoughts are flowing through my mind harmoniously and melodiously I continue writing as long as it takes. Otherwise, I do not write.

Q. What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I like reading, watching movies, international TV Series, and listening to music. The last book that I read was Stephen King’s Outsider; the last movie that I watched was Sergio; the last TV Series that I watched was Better Call Saul [Season 5]; among music, I have been listening to Coldplay, Poets of the Fall & Tchaikovsky.

Q. Out of all the books that you have written. Which is your favorite one?

I forget about my books after I have written them. So, there is no clear-cut favorite.

Q. What’s the best way to market your books?

I have no thorough understanding of marketing my books. That is the reason I look forward to professionals.

Q. Future of SALISMANIA.com through your eyes.

I think it has a great future because of your energy, sincerity, and dedication to the work and your keenness to support good literary works.

Source: www.salismania.com

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